Friday, 18 January 2013

Dana’s Microwave Butterscotch Pudding

So, here's another quick-fix treat for late-night snacking.

I know, I know, you've resolved to lose 100 lbs in this New Year and I'm not helping.

Make this butterscotch pudding and share it with a loved one.  Eat it as a snack and walk it off.  Dip celery sticks in it.

It's just a perfect butterscotch pudding that happens to be made in the microwave (no risk of scorching your milk), cooks in four minutes, doesn't add heat to the house (hello, homemade pudding in July!) and, best reason of all, is made from scratch!  No funky ingredients, no preservatives, no wonky aftertaste.  Just pure butterscotch bliss. 

Enjoy warm or chilled.  Enjoy.

Dana’s Microwave Butterscotch Pudding
from a now-defunct website Dana McCauley
4 tsp cornstarch
½ cup lightly packed dark brown sugar
pinch salt
1 cup 2 % milk
2 egg yolks, beaten
2 Tbsp cold, salted butter, cubed
¼ tsp pure vanilla extract
- Blend the cornstarch with the sugar and salt until well combined in a microwave safe bowl or large glass-measuring cup. Whisk in about 1/4 of the milk until smooth. Blend in remaining milk, whisking until smooth.
- Cook mixture in the microwave on HIGH for 1 minute. Whisk well and cook for 2 minutes longer or until thickened. Spoon a little of the hot milk mixture into the eggs. Stir until smooth. Scrape the egg mixture into the hot milk mixture using a rubber spatula. Whisk well and cook for 1 minute longer on HIGH. Whisk in the butter and vanilla until smooth.
- Cool to room temperature. Makes 2 servings.

I don't know who Dana is, but she came up with the recipe and I haven't changed one thing so I kept her name in the title as she has done.


  1. I have a recipe for butterscotch pudding that is very similar to Dana's that I picked up quite a few years ago. There is a variation for chocolate and vanilla too. If I get a chance I will post it here for you.

    1. Oh yes, I would like that very much. Thanks Donna.

  2. Ok, here you go...

    Butterscotch Pudding
    1/3 to 1/2 c brown sugar
    2 tbsp water
    1 tbsp butter
    1 3/4 c milk
    2 egg yolks
    3 tbsp cornstarch
    1. In a 1 qt glass measure or bowl combine sugar, water and butter. Microwave at high for 2 minues (I never let it go for 2 mins - maybe 20 - 30 secs, depending on the power of your microwave) until sauce is smooth, stirring once.
    2. Stir in milk followed by the egg yolks and cornstarch; mix well until smooth.
    3. Microwave uncovered at high for 2 mins. Stir. Continue to microwave at high for 3 to 5 mins more or until pudding comes to a boil and thickens, whisking well every minute. Serves 4.

    That's the original recipe but I have increased the ingredients so it serves more with good results. You don't need to add too much more cornstarch and can add another 1/4 to 1/2 cup of milk and a bit more sugar. Very similar to your version I think. :) Cooked a bit differently though.

    For vanilla custard pudding:

    2 c. milk, 2 eggs yolks, 1/3 c. granulated sugar, 2 tbsp cornstarch, 2 tsp vanilla.
    This pudding is cooked as above except for the first part: In a glass measure or bowl, whisk together milk and egg yolks. Stir in the sugar and cornstarch until smooth. Then continue as above starting at 2.

    Chocolate variation:
    Sift together 3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa with the granulated sugar and cornstarch. Add to milk and egg yolk mixture. Continue making pudding as directed but reduce vanilla to 1 tsp.

    That's it!

    1. Thank you for sharing these recipes and taking the time to type them out.
